Summer in Canada

Reaching Canada…love the clouds, it’s like a fluffy pillow =) 












Beautiful day…loving the neighborhood in Aurora












Tiny flowers in the yard.


















The flower pot on the front porch.




























Yes! We have a HUGE dog living with us.























Summer colors














































Everyday low price in Walmart.

































Tim Hortons’ French vanilla is yummy.

A birdie made the flower pot as her nest to lay eggs.

Mother’s love.












Two tiny eggs.


















Day lily.

















Mr & Mrs. Froggy.

A nice evening walk.

Wildflowers growing along the lane.


Blooming roses

Like a ruffle….



  1. 加拿大的夏花展現青春活力,應該是避暑勝地

  2. 這裡的夏天雖然太陽很大可是並不會讓人不舒服流汗,有時候下雨後早晚還會涼涼的=D

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